Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lots of appointments!!!

So between yesterday and today I had some appointments. Most important was my doctor appointment. Babies heartbeat was 160 which is very good. She's still in the right position, head down, AND I'm 1cm dilated! Nothing too crazy to brag about but at least I'm making progress!
After that I went to get my last haircut before baby gets here!

We also went to meet with two in-home daycare providers. Arthur & I went to meet with one yesterday and my Mother came with me to meet one today. Arthur couldn't get out of work so she was nice enough to come with me. We all really liked both of them and felt very comfortable with both of them BUT the one from today was amazing! She was so calm and I felt like I could sit there and talk to her for hours. I would feel absolutely comfortable leaving Little C with either of these two women but the lady today just impressed me so much more. I'm going to take Arthur there next week so he can meet her also but I think this is where Little C will end up and I'm actually really really excited about it!!!

This is my first week working from home and I'm really enjoying it. It's really nice to not have to wake up early, get ready for work and then sit in my uncomfortable chair all day long. I just feel SO much better. I've actually started cooking for my husband again. Can you believe it?!?!?!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Glad you found someone! I'm sure that takes a lot of pressure off!! I can't believe you're almost there Katie!