Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Word is OUT!!!

Art & I had our doctor appointment yesterday. I got a little disappointed because we didn't get to hear the babies heartbeat. My dr. doesn't like to try to listen for it before 10 weeks because if we can't hear it the parents get very upset (which would be me) so she just confirmed everything was ok and sent us on our merry way. We have our first ultra sound in three weeks and that seems SOOO far away. So I got really upset. I talked to my Mom and she told me she felt like that after every dr. appointment. Like she wanted them to do so much more. Hearing her say that made me feel so much better. My dr. said as long as I'm not having any problems everything is going smoothly! So Art & I decided to tell everyone.

The first person I told was my boss and the first thing he said was "You better come back!" LOL!!! Then we continued to tell everyone else: family, friends, co-workers. Everyone was really excited for us! It feels really good to have everything out in the open.

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