Friday, January 18, 2008

Our First OB Class

Art & I went for our first OB class last night. If that didn't make all this real I don't know what will...LOL! The lady was really nice and very helpful. She talked about the doctors in our practice, the staff, the hospitals and all the appointments we'll have and the tests. She also gave me my preadmission papers for St. Clare's and signed me up for three classes, a 5 week birthing class, a Mom and Baby class and a breastfeeding class. They start in May. She also gave us a long list of can not's; No dying your hair. You're only allowed to get foil highlights; no artificial sweeteners; no caffeine; lunch meat needs to be heated first then put in the fridge; no fish. Tuna I can have one serving of Chunk Light a week but that makes me want to throw up. She told me what medication's I can and can not take. And I "think" that's it. It was a lot of information to take in but very helpful. I'm glad Arthur was there so he could hear everything too. He also has to come to the 5 week birthing class. Now that should be fun!

Our next appointment is Tuesday the 22ND. I'm counting those days down so I can tell the world I'M PREGNANT!!!

1 comment:

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

no fish at all? I thought some were ok as long as they were the kind that are known to high levels of mercury. crap, I love fish...