Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Double Digits!!!

I'm 10 weeks today!!! I'm half way to the half way mark...LOL! And my baby is no longer an embryo, (S)he is a fetus!!! I was reading my pregnancy week by week book and it's just amazing how the baby changes and grows each week. (S)he has little fingers & toes already and by the end of this week little fingernails will grow. Fingernails!!! It's just so amazing!

Saturday we went out with friends to celebrate my birthday. Nicole got me the Belly Laughs book by Jenny McCarthy. I'm about half way through it already and it's really funny! Elizabeth got me a beautiful frame engraved with "Baby C" on it. Brianne bought me preggo pops and my Alli got me the funnies shirt! It's posted below. I Love it!!!

1 comment:

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

That shirt is awesome! Congrats on double digits!