Thursday, April 10, 2008


We're having a little Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

The tech at our NT Scan (the same tech we had yesterday) told us she thought we were having a girl and she was right! We're both so excited! For the last two months we had Girl in our heads and Art is really looking forward to it. He said if they told him Boy it would have really thrown him off! He says she's going to be Daddy's Little Girl...LOL!

I tried posting some pics below that we got yesterday but they weren't coming out right so I posted the link. The tech gave us about 9 of them. LC wasn't co-operating so we couldn't get a great pic of her. For the last couple of nights I've been getting up at 12 a.m. to go to the bathroom and when I lay back down the baby moves like crazy. I told Art he's got a night owl on his hands. So when the baby wasn't co-operating yesterday I told Art we were disturbing her sleep time. You can really tell in the pic below because she's covering her face like "Leave me alone Mommy!" It was so cute!

After we left the hospital we called our family & friends. Everyone is real excited. I also called my Grandpa. He likes to make the phone calls to everyone in the family to spread the news. When I was on the phone with him he asked me if we had any names picked out. I told him we were unsure of the first name but we'd like to have the baby's middle name Ellen, after Grandma. He was so touched and so excited! I said to him "Well it's such a beautiful name." And he said "Well she's a beautiful lady. My lady!" I can only wish that after 64 years of marriage Art & I are as in love as they are.

So here comes a busy baby weekend. Friday we're going to finish painting the bottom of the chair rail in the nursery and then go to Home Depot to buy the pink paint for the top. Saturday my wonderful Mother is coming over so we can get some things together for the shower. After that Art & I are going nursery furniture shopping with my in-laws and then we're going to register. And Sunday is more working on the nursery. If everything goes well the room will be painted (at least the first coat) by the end of the weekend!

And to top everything off we came home to a BEAUTIFULLY paved driveway!!! I've never been so happy about asphalt in my life!!!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

Aww congrats! That is so exciting! I can't wait until my appointment next week!