Monday, April 14, 2008

Fun filled baby weekend!

We got a lot done this weekend.

Friday I went to Home Depot and got the pink paint for the baby's room and Art started painting away. I LOVE the color! It's so pretty. I told Art if we wanted we could just leave the room the way it was (with the pink on top and beige on bottom) but I really want the chair rail & stripes...LOL!

Saturday we spent about 5 hours in Babies R Us. That's a LOT of time in one store!!! We met Art's parents there because they generously offered to buy us our furniture. We got there and showed them the set we liked. Then we saw another set we fell in love with so we were trying to decide between the two sets. We decided we loved the original set so much more but then we couldn't decide on the color, either Tea Stain or Espresso. We FINALLY made a decision. I posted the link below. We're sooo excited! I can't wait for it to come. The changing table actually has a hutch but we thought having the two big pieces (the armoire & the hutch) would be too much for that room so we just got the changing table. If we want to buy it later on down the line we could.

Here it is:

After that was ordered my in-law's left and we stayed so we could register. Wow, that was a lot of fun yet very confusing...LOL! But I think we did a pretty good job. Of course I came home and had my Mother critique it for me. I love some of the stuff we registered for though. It's just so cute. After we left there we went to TGI Friday's for lunch/dinner and went over everything we got and what we missed. All we kept saying is "I can't believe we just registered for our daughter!" It's so surreal!!!

Sunday we dedicated the whole day to painting the nursery. The top and bottom were pretty much done we just had to work on putting the tape up for the stripes and painting those. Art did a great job on tapping the stripes which is a LOT harder than it looks. We got half of the room done. We'll just have to finish the stripes on the other half, do some touch ups and then the room is done! I'd say definitely by the end of this weekend. Next thing on the list, going to go to Home Depot to price a new rug. We'll do that some time this week.

I had another check up this morning. In my practice there are 6 doctors, 3 woman and 3 men. Throughout your pregnancy you have to meet with all of them at least once. The one I met with today I had never met before but he was the nicest man I've ever met! We heard LC's heartbeat and we went over the results from our ultrasound on Wednesday. He said the baby looks great! She's measuring right on schedule. He also said I looked great! I still haven't gained any weight (I'm down 8) but he said I'm doing really good and I had great coloring. What ever that means...LOL! Then what he said was music to my ears..."You look great, the baby looks great so you're ok to fly next week!!!! WooooHoooo...Jamaica here we come =)

1 comment:

Megan K said...

Have a great trip!