Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We certainly did! There are a few things I need to catch you all up on.

Our First Doctor Appointment
We had our first doctor appointment on Christmas Eve. Art came with me so I was a little nervous since this would be his first "experience" at the gynecologist. Everything went great though. They said our EDD is 8/27/08. They asked us our family history, took 8 viles of blood and did an exam. Everything looks good! They signed us up for an OB class in January and we made my next two appointments, 1/22 and 2/21. Our first ultra sound won't be until the end of January which sucks but oh well, what are you going to do. Hopefully the next month will fly by!

Now for the good part...Telling Arthur's Family
After we got home from the doctor's office we got changed and headed up to Art's parents house where we were planning on telling them our news. We went to Target the day before and bought them each an "I love my Grandma" "I love my Grandpa" bib and a card that says "Grandparents-to-be" on it. I arranged them all in a box and taped them so they wouldn't move around and I wrapped the box. After we arrived we called his Mom & Dad into the kitchen and told them we got them a little something for Christmas (we did a secret Santa with his family this year so there was no other exchanging). Rose started to open the box with big Arthur right next to her and Patrick standing by also. Rose's reaction was priceless! She just stared at the bibs while saying "Oh my god. Oh my god" over and over again. And then she started crying. Art ran upstairs to tell Colleen and she came down. We all hugged and everyone Congratulated us. Karen unfortunately wasn't there so Rose called her to share the news. I could hear her screaming through the phone! She was SOOO excited! After that we met my Mother at a restaurant and we all had a very nice dinner. Well...except for the drama at the end but I'll spare you the details of that story ;)

All night I noticed Rose had a smile on her face! It was such a pleasure to see her and the rest of our family so happy. At the end of the night big Arthur walked me to the car and said "You made us so incredibly happy today!" I don't know if it was my pg hormones or what but it made me tear up a little.

Christmas Day
Christmas Day was wonderful. Art & I had a great morning together. He got me some beautiful jewelry (earrings, necklace & a ring) and some maternity clothes. I got him the cutest little Giants onsie (among other things) with matching socks and blanket. I figured since I was due right before opening day our little boy or girl can wear that to cheer on their team! I did get a little emotional (of course) because after 9 Christmas's together, this would be our last just him & I. Of course we're very excited that we'll have a baby with us next Christmas but it was sort of an emotional moment for both of us. But we feel extremely blessed this year. We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift!

My Mother then came over and we exchanged with her. She always spoils Art & I! We had dinner then went to Folger Christmas. I have to admit, I was very uncomfortable. I'm not going to any more parties until everyone knows I'm pregnant!!! The same thing happened when I went out to a party with Alli & Tiz on Saturday (Tiz doesn't know). I just felt like everyone was watching me and that gets me nervous and I act like an idiot!

So that should bring you up to date. I feel great! I'm just very tired and I'm in the bathroom every 30 minutes but I can deal with that. My doctor gave me prenatal vitamins and they make be burp a lot!!! We've decided to hold off telling anyone until after our next doctor appointment which is January 22! This month BETTER go fast!!!

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