Thursday, September 4, 2008

One Week Old!

I can't believe Makenzie is a week old already! The first few days have been hectic to say the least. The first day was good. Makenzie was eating and taking her naps like a good little girl. Then the night came! I don't think she likes her bassinet too much. Every time we put her down she'll stay asleep for about an hour and then wake up. The only way I can get her to stay asleep is if I have her sleep on me.

Breastfeeding is hard! Maybe more frustrating than hard. Like I said, the first day was good, she was eating and sleeping good. But then she started wanting to eat about every 1 1/2 hours. By the second day she wasn't napping either. So obviously she wasn't getting fed enough and was hungry and tired. The second night I think we both slept about 2 hours. The third night started the same, she went to bed at about 10 and woke up at 11. She would not latch on at all and was crying. So I grabbed a bottle (Yes, a bottle. I'm a bad Mother already!) and fed her and she fell asleep right away. I took her into the bed and had her sleep on my chest (I wasn't risking waking her up by putting her in her bassinet). She slept good and woke up about 1:30 so I fed her again. She fell asleep and didn't wake up until 5:30! I was so happy!!! 1) Because my little girl was fed and nice and rested. 2) Because I got more than an hour sleep...LOL!!! Today is going much better! I woke up and nursed her and she did good. She then napped for about 2 hours. While she slept, I pumped. So I'm going to try that for now.

I'm feeling good though. I'm still recovering from the c-section. Art went back to work on Wednesday and Thursday but is off Friday and Monday. My Mom has been here with me helping out. She's been great! I can actually stay off my feet while she's here which is helping my recovery a lot! Plus, I don't think she minds the Nana-Makenzie time. She's off the whole next week too so she'll be here helping. I don't know what I'm going to do when she goes back to work though! I may cry hysterical since my hormones have been CRAZY lately!!!

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