Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I failed....

By 1 friggin point!!!!!!!!! To fail the glucose test you need to score 135 or higher. Guess what my score was......135!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so mad! My doctor said the number was changed recently too. It used to be 140 or higher but there was 1 case where a woman ended up having Gestational Diabetes with a score of 138 so they had to lower it. He said 95% of people who score between 135-140 pass the 3 hour but it just stinks that I have to go for 1 point! Now I have to go to the lab and just wait to drink my drink every hour and get my blood drawn every hour. Anyone have a good book to read??? The good news is he said since my score was 135 I shouldn't really worry. If it was higher he said there would be cause for concern but he doesn't think I'll fail. Bad news is if I do fail I have to go to a nutritionist who will give me a list of foods I can and can not eat. I'm such a picky eater already with this pregnancy, how much more can I cut out? Probably breads which is my only saviour. God I hope I pass!!!

On a happy note, I took my Mom with me to my doctor's appointment yesterday and she got to hear LC's heartbeat! She was sooo cute! She got all teary eyed when she heard it (Yes Mother, I saw you tear up)! I actually lost a pound since last week so I'm only up 4 but baby is doing great and has a nice, strong heartbeat. He said I'm measuring right on schedule and everything looks & sounds great! I have to start going every 2 weeks now instead of every 4.

Our birthing class starts on Monday. It's a 2 hour class every Monday for 5 weeks. I'm actually really excited about it. Art, well he's a different story. Considering Monday's are his only day he doesn't have to work late these days he's not as excited as I am but he'll be there with a smile on his face. He's a trooper. He's been such a great hubby! I love when he talks about how excited he is to finally meet his daughter. He gets this little grin on his face and his dimples come out...It's so cute!

So today is suppose to be the last day of the heat wave. I REALLY hope so. It's killing me. Yesterday was brutal on me. I just couldn't get cool yesterday when I got home. I was sitting in the living room with my little dress on and the AC blowing right on me and it still didn't help. I did manage to sleep good, which is the most important part! But this heat is keeping me from doing things that need to be done around the house. Hopefully this weekend it'll be cooler and I can actually get things done!

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